RelyX™ Unicem Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement Maxicap™ Capsule Assorted Shade Refill 3M™ ESPE™ 56831
Item Number: | 56831 |
Packaging: | pk |
Manufacturer: | 3M Oral Care |
Features & Benefits:
- 3M™ RelyX™ Unicem Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement with universal appeal.
- RelyX™ Unicem Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement is #1 in the U.S., trusted by dentists worldwide.
- Time-saving - no etching, priming or bonding.
- Easy removal of excess.
- RelyX™ Unicem Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement is Strong and moisture-tolerant.
- Except for 2- or 3-unit Maryland bridges and 3-unit inlay/onlay bridges.
- Selective etching is required to increase surface area for bonding.
- RelyX™ Unicem Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement Refill pack includes 20 Maxicap™ Capsules including 10 in A2 Universal, 6 in Translucent, and 4 of A3 Opaque.
- Permanent cementation of:
- All-ceramic, composite or metal inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges.
- Posts.
- 3 - unit inlay/onlay bridges.
- All-ceramic, composite or metal restorations to implant abutments.
- 2 -or 3-unit Maryland bridges.
- Why can all kinds of all−ceramic crowns be used with 3M™ ESPE™ RelyX™ Unicem Self−Adhesive Universal Resin Cement?
A distinction is made between the following types of dental ceramics:
- Glass ceramic.
- Zirconium oxide or aluminum oxide ceramic.
Glass ceramics require stabilization of the restoration and tooth by an adhesive bond because of their low inherent strength. This can be achieved with RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement. It is a good idea to coat the inside of the ceramic crown with the Rocatec™ method and subsequently silane treat it with 3M ESPE Sil or 3M™ ESPE™ RelyX™ Ceramic Primer. Etching with hydrofluoric acid and silane treated the all−ceramic is an alternative. This creates an optimal bonding strength between the resin cement and the indirect restoration.
The higher−strength ceramics, aluminum oxide and zirconium oxide, have an intrinsic strength that allows conventional cementation. RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement is the most suitable cement for these materials and unlike conventional cements, such as zinc phosphate, RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement provides additional bonding strength between the tooth structure, cement and indirect restoration.
RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement meets the standards for adhesive technology and can be handled as readily as conventional luting cements.
- What is the difference between the accessories of the Aplicap and Maxicap products?
The Aplicap working accessories (Aplicap Activator and Applier) are color−coded orange. To allow better distinction, Maxicap working accessories (Maxicap Activator and Applier) are color−coded blue.
- What are the advantages of 3M™ ESPE™ RelyX™ Unicem Self−Adhesive Universal Resin Cement over conventional luting materials?
RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement has the following benefits over conventional luting cements:
- Excellent mechanical properties.
- High bond strength without pre−treatment steps.
- Excellent esthetics (translucency).
- Also suitable for composite and ceramic restorations and fiber posts.
- What are the advantages of RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement over adhesive technology with total−etch?
Unlike compomer and resin materials, RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement is characterized by the following:
- Easy handling (pre−treatment steps to condition the tooth structure are not necessary).
- High bond strength at tooth structure and indirect restoration material.
- Moisture tolerance.
- Reliable dual curing.
- Easy removal of excess material.
- Is the use of rubber dam necessary as it is for the adhesive technique with composite materials?
No, use of a rubber dam may not be essential. This is because RelyX Unicem selfadhesive universal resin cement has a higher moisture tolerance compared to conventional composite systems. Also, the use of RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement requires only one step, allowing rapid application and avoiding the need for technique−intensive steps like etching, priming and bonding. Consequently, insulating the treatment site with cotton pellets is almost always sufficient.
- Why is postoperative sensitivity not expected for RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement?
Dentin is not etched when RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement is used. Consequently, the smear layer is not removed and the dentin tubules remain closed. This minimizes the risk of acid or bacterial penetration. Because standard adhesive technical procedures are not used, etching, priming and bonding are not employed. The risk of overdrying, overly moist dentin, and generation of nanoleakage by inadequate penetration of the primer/bonding system are therefore avoided.
- When is the best time to remove excess?
Cement excess is best removed after short light exposure ("tack cure" for 2−4 seconds with a standard polymerization device) or during self−curing (from 2 minutes after start of mixing in the "gel phase") with a suitable instrument such as a scaler. Larger−volume excess material is readily removed.
- How is 3M™ ESPE™ RelyX™ Unicem Self−Adhesive Universal Resin Cement different from resin−modified glass ionomers and compomers?
After curing, RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement is a hydrophobic system that is protected against water absorption, expansion and solubility. Resinmodified glass ionomer systems remain very hydrophilic due to the use of hydrophilic monomers and the presence of water in the system after setting. In addition, monofunctional monomers used with this class of material cause comparatively less cross−linking. With RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement, only multifunctional monomers are used which polymerize into a heavily cross−linked and stable matrix.
While compomers achieve more cross−linking than do resin−modified glass ionomers, this cross−linking limits the reaction of polyacid with glass fillers. This in turn prevents complete neutralization and causes continued susceptibility to hydrolysis. In contrast, the initially acidic RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement is neutralized by cement reactions during the setting phase that contribute to its final hydrophobic state.
The shortcomings of compomers and resin−modified glass ionomers mentioned previously have been specifically eliminated by the novel chemistry employed by RelyX Unicem self−adhesive universal resin cement.